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12月13 Fun Holiday – Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper Day is on December 13, 2019. So dig into your closet and bring out that colorful jumper (sweater for those of you in the U.S.) that you were totally embarrassed to wear in public.

Wear your most colorful Christmas themed sweater for charity.


In the United Kingdom, where the holiday began in 2011, the day has become a fundraising event for Save the Children, a not-for-profit organization that works with underprivileged children.

From Tacky to Designer Clothing

Until recently Christmas-themed jumpers and sweaters were viewed as a tacky and loud piece of clothing, usually made by an elderly relative. In recent years, however, there has been a renewed interest in these colorful articles of clothing. Several fashion designers now created Christmas jumpers and sweaters, which are worn proudly by people around the world.

A similar holiday, Ugly Sweater Day, is celebrated every year on the third Friday of December.

How to Celebrate?

  • Wear your most festive sweater/ jumper for the day. What about jazzing up your sweater by adding sequins and other Christmas motifs?
  • Have a Christmas jumper party – the person wearing the most outrageous jumper takes home the prize.
  • Flaunt a bright sweater with Christmas motifs and help make the world a better place. Participating in your local Christmas jumper charity events. Don't have one close by? Why not start your one of your own?

Did You Know…

…that in the United States, a jumper is a sleeveless dress worn by a woman over a shirt or t-shirt?

Christmas Jumper Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Christmas Jumper Day Observances

See all Fun Holidays

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