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4月30 Fun Holiday – Honesty Day

April begins with a day that celebrates falsehoods – April Fool’s Day. End it with a day that celebrates and acknowledges the importance of honesty – Honesty Day.

Honor truthfulness and honesty today.


Celebrated annually on April 30, the day was created in the early 1990s by M. Hirsh Goldberg, the former press secretary to the state of Maryland in the United States.

Speak the Truth

Goldberg created the holiday as a way to encourage people to speak the truth and to "honor the honorable."

A Rare Quality

Famous American singer-songwriter, Billy Joel once sang that honesty is such a lonely word, suggesting that honesty is a very rare quality in all kinds of relationships - personal, professional, and social.

This unofficial holiday, also sometimes called National Honesty Day, emphasizes that honesty does not need to be a lonely word and that truthfulness can strengthen relationships and make them more productive.

How to Celebrate?

  • Be truthful. Embrace truth and honesty.

Did You Know…

…that the phrase honesty is the best policy was coined by Benjamin Franklin?

Honesty Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Honesty Day Observances
2025水曜日4月30日 (水)Honesty Day
2026木曜日4月30日 (木)Honesty Day
2027金曜日4月30日 (金)Honesty Day
2028日曜日4月30日 (日)Honesty Day
2029月曜日4月30日 (月)Honesty Day
2030火曜日4月30日 (火)Honesty Day
2031水曜日4月30日 (水)Honesty Day
2032金曜日4月30日 (金)Honesty Day
2033土曜日4月30日 (土)Honesty Day
2034日曜日4月30日 (日)Honesty Day

See all Fun Holidays

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