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10月29 Fun Holiday – Internet Day

October 29 is celebrated every year as Internet Day around the world.

Student behind computer keyboard.

Honor the most popular communication tool that humankind has ever seen on Internet Day


Can you imagine a world without the Internet? Without instant access to streaming movies, videos of kittens to make your day brighter, online shopping, and instant messaging?

The holiday encourages people to celebrate the Internet and to acknowledge that it has revolutionized how we communicate, gather knowledge and share information with each other. And yes, also how we waste our time.

The First Network Message

The unofficial holiday commemorates the very first electronic message sent over a network. On October 29, 1969, a UCLA Computer Science Professor and his staff sent the message “LO” over the telephone network to be received at Stanford University.

It is also known as World Internet Day or International Internet Day.

How to Celebrate?

Honor the internet and all those who have worked hard to create and maintain it on Internet Day. Here are some ways to celebrate this day:

  • Learn more about the history of the Internet.
  • Send everyone you know a Happy Internet Day message. Over the Internet of course.

Did You Know…

…that it took 20 years after the message was sent for the World Wide Web to be invented? Tim Berners-Lee, a software engineer at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland created the precursor the World Wide Web in 1989.

Internet Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Internet Day Observances
2025水曜日10月29日 (水)Internet Day
2026木曜日10月29日 (木)Internet Day
2027金曜日10月29日 (金)Internet Day
2028日曜日10月29日 (日)Internet Day
2029月曜日10月29日 (月)Internet Day
2030火曜日10月29日 (火)Internet Day
2031水曜日10月29日 (水)Internet Day
2032金曜日10月29日 (金)Internet Day
2033土曜日10月29日 (土)Internet Day
2034日曜日10月29日 (日)Internet Day

See all Fun Holidays

Other Fun Holidays around 十月29日 (水)

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28 10月

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30 10月

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31 10月

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