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2月18 Fun Holiday – Battery Day

February 18 is Battery Day. It is a day to acknowledge the device that makes it possible for the smallest household items to the largest heavy-duty equipment to work smoothly.

Close-up of AA batteries.

Batteries are very important in the modern world.


The unofficial holiday of unknown origins is also known as National Battery Day in the United States

Converts Energy

A battery is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. It is thought that the term battery to describe such a device was first used by Benjamin Franklin because the setting of the capacitator he saw reminded him of a battery of cannons.

How to Celebrate?

  • Celebrate the day by swapping out old the old, dead batteries from your household items.
  • Take all the old batteries to the recycling center.
  • Check your smoke alarm and fire alarm batteries and replace them if needed.
  • Learn the history and science behind batteries.

Did You Know…

…that according to some archeologists and historians, the earliest known battery in recorded human history can be traced back to as far as 2000 years ago? Known as the Baghdad Battery, the battery is a clay pot containing a metal tube and a metal rod. It is thought to have been discovered in the basement of the Baghdad Museum by German painter and archaeologist Wilhelm Konig, who suggested that the artifact was probably used as a battery.

Battery Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Battery Day Observances
2025火曜日2月18日 (火)Battery Day
2026水曜日2月18日 (水)Battery Day
2027木曜日2月18日 (木)Battery Day
2028金曜日2月18日 (金)Battery Day
2029日曜日2月18日 (日)Battery Day
2030月曜日2月18日 (月)Battery Day
2031火曜日2月18日 (火)Battery Day
2032水曜日2月18日 (水)Battery Day
2033金曜日2月18日 (金)Battery Day
2034土曜日2月18日 (土)Battery Day

See all Fun Holidays

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