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7月13 Fun Holiday – Embrace Your Geekness Day

On July 13 embrace your geekness and use it as your secret power because it is Embrace Your Geekness Day.

Wear your geek cred with pride.


Being a geek is something to be proud of - chances are there are few other people in the world who are as smart as you are in the field of your specific interest, may it be music, video games, comics, movies, renaissance-era jewelry making techniques, or astronomy. So accept your geekiness with open arms and show off your knowledge with pride!

How to Celebrate?

  • Learn something new and geeky today.
  • Flaunt your geekiness with pride. Are you a math geek? What about wearing a cool t-shirt with a math problem that only fellow math geeks would understand.
  • If the field you are interested in has a secret language, what about spending the day speaking the language?

Did You Know…

…that geek was originally used as a derogatory term to describe circus workers? Today, however, the term has evolved to describe a person who is an enthusiastic expert on a particular issue or subject.

Embrace Your Geekness Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Embrace Your Geekness Day Observances
2025日曜日7月13日 (日)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2026月曜日7月13日 (月)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2027火曜日7月13日 (火)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2028木曜日7月13日 (木)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2029金曜日7月13日 (金)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2030土曜日7月13日 (土)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2031日曜日7月13日 (日)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2032火曜日7月13日 (火)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2033水曜日7月13日 (水)Embrace Your Geekness Day
2034木曜日7月13日 (木)Embrace Your Geekness Day

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