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2月12 Fun Holiday – Darwin Day

Darwin Day is held annually on or around February 12, the birthday of Charles Darwin.

Statue of Charles Darwin.

Celebrate Charles Darwin and his work on Darwin Day.


The unofficial holiday honors the life and work of English naturalist Charles Darwin. Also known as International Darwin Day, the day is a celebration of science and humanity.

Theory of Evolution

Born in 1809, Charles Darwin revolutionized the field of natural history by putting forth the theory of evolution by natural selection. In his book On the Origins of Species published in 1859, he argued that all present-day life forms on Earth came from a single ancestor and that diversity in the animal and plant kingdom came about due to natural selection, migration, extinction, and genetic mutations.

Celebrated Worldwide

While initially contested, Darwin's theory of evolution is now widely accepted as fact and theory in the scientific community.

Darwin Day has been celebrated off and on since his death in 1882. In 2000, three Darwin fans, Dr. Robert Stephens, Prof. Massimo Pigliucci, and Amanda Chesworth created the Darwin Day Program. The program was later named the Darwin Day Celebration, a non-profit organization committed to science education. Today Darwin Day celebrations are held all around the world.

How to Celebrate?

  • Get a crash course on evolution and natural selection.
  • Read Charles Darwin's book The Origin of Species.
  • Visit your local natural history museum and spend the day among dinosaur bones.

Did You Know…

…that the full title of Darwin’s seminal book is: On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life?

Darwin Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Darwin Day Observances
2025水曜日2月12日 (水)Darwin Day
2026木曜日2月12日 (木)Darwin Day
2027金曜日2月12日 (金)Darwin Day
2028土曜日2月12日 (土)Darwin Day
2029月曜日2月12日 (月)Darwin Day
2030火曜日2月12日 (火)Darwin Day
2031水曜日2月12日 (水)Darwin Day
2032木曜日2月12日 (木)Darwin Day
2033土曜日2月12日 (土)Darwin Day
2034日曜日2月12日 (日)Darwin Day

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