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12月3 Fun Holiday – Make a Gift Day

Take out the glitter, the yarn and your glue gun because it is Make A Gift Day.

Young woman sitting in chair knitting.

Handmade gifts are fun to make and to present.


The unofficial holiday is annually celebrated on December 3. It encourages people to lovingly hand craft gifts for all their loved ones.

The holidays are just around the corner. And if you are panicking about all the gifts you still have to buy and worrying about how your wallet is feeling lighter by the day, then Make a Gift Day is the unofficial holiday for you!

Show Your Love

Gifts are a way for people to show love and concern for the recipients. They may also be presented as a token of respect or as a sign of forgiveness. In many cultures, gifts are given out during festivals, weddings and other major life events like birthdays, retirements and housewarmings.

How to Celebrate

  • This is an easy one! Make handmade gifts for everyone this holiday season! They will appreciate all the hard work you have put in it. Plus your wallet will thank you come January.
  • Host a gift making party. Gather around your arts and crafts supplies and get together with your friends to DIY some gifts.
  • Don't have a DIY skill? This is the day to pick up a hobby so that you can start making handmade gifts for your family and friends in the New Year.

Did You Know...

...that in China, gifts wrapped in red paper are considered to bring luck to the recipient?

Make a Gift Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Make a Gift Day Observances
2025水曜日12月3日 (水)Make a Gift Day
2026木曜日12月3日 (木)Make a Gift Day
2027金曜日12月3日 (金)Make a Gift Day
2028日曜日12月3日 (日)Make a Gift Day
2029月曜日12月3日 (月)Make a Gift Day
2030火曜日12月3日 (火)Make a Gift Day
2031水曜日12月3日 (水)Make a Gift Day
2032金曜日12月3日 (金)Make a Gift Day
2033土曜日12月3日 (土)Make a Gift Day
2034日曜日12月3日 (日)Make a Gift Day

See all Fun Holidays

Other Fun Holidays around 十二月3日 (水)

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