10時45分19秒 UTC+142025年1月10日金曜日Fullscreen Longitude: 150° WestAt sea: Longitudes between 157.5° West and 142.5° WestTime ZoneUTC+14UTC/GMT +14 hoursNo DSTUTC+14 is a fixed time zone that never observes Daylight Saving TimeDifference5 hours ahead ofTokyoSet your location Tools & ConvertersMeeting Planner for UTC+14Time Zone Converter for UTC+14Event Time Announcer for UTC+14Time difference between UTC+14 and other locationsDisplay a free clock for UTC+14 on your website or blogMore about UTCTime Zone AbbreviationsPopup WindowFullscreenExitUTC+14Time Zone10時45分192025年1月10日金曜日