-15 °C
Mostly cloudy.
Feels Like: -22 °C
Forecast: -11 / -20 °C
Wind: 11 km/h ↑ from Northeast
Location: | Arctic Village Airport |
Current Time: | 2025年1月9日 (木)11時31分38秒 |
Latest Report: | 2025年1月9日 (木)9時56分 |
Visibility: | 16 km |
Pressure: | 1009 mbar (929 mbar at 627m altitude) |
Humidity: | 87% |
Dew Point: | -17 °C |
Upcoming 5 hours
Forecast for the next 48 hours
Scroll right to see more
木曜日 | 金曜日 | ||||||
Morning | Afternoon | Evening | Night | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | |
Forecast | |||||||
Temperature | -15 °C | -14 °C | -13 °C | -12 °C | -13 °C | -14 °C | -16 °C |
Light snow. Overcast. | Overcast. | Overcast. | Light snow. Overcast. | Snow. Overcast. | Overcast. | Overcast. | |
Feels Like | -21 °C | -20 °C | -19 °C | -17 °C | -13 °C | -14 °C | -16 °C |
Wind Speed | 10 km/h | 11 km/h | 11 km/h | 8 km/h | 2 km/h | 0 km/h | 4 km/h |
Wind Direction | N ↑ | N ↑ | N ↑ | N ↑ | NNE ↑ | - | N ↑ |
Humidity | 77% | 76% | 74% | 75% | 80% | 80% | 77% |
Dew Point | -18 °C | -17 °C | -17 °C | -16 °C | -16 °C | -17 °C | -19 °C |
Visibility | 3 km | 9 km | 10 km | 11 km | 3 km | 7 km | 2 km |
Probability of Precipitation | 23% | 5% | 0% | 10% | 33% | 0% | 0% |
Amount of Snow | 12.0 mm | - | - | 7.1 mm | 14.2 mm | - | - |
14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week
Yesterday's weather
Light snow. Passing clouds. -19 / -27 °C
Humidity: 81%. Wind: 4 km/h ↑ from North
Currently at nearby stations
Fort Yukon Airport: (175 km)
Passing clouds. (1 hour ago)
-24 °C
Point Thomson Airstrip: (226 km)
-26 °C
Ivvavik Park Automatic Weather Reporting System: (246 km)
Extremely cold. (2 hours ago)
Forecast for the next 2 weeks
Scroll right to see more
日曜日 | 月曜日 | 火曜日 | 水曜日 | 木曜日 | 金曜日 | 土曜日 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 -11 / -20 °C | 10 -12 / -18 °C | 11 -9 / -18 °C |
12 -6 / -13 °C | 13 -7 / -20 °C | 14 -19 / -29 °C | 15 -16 / -26 °C | 16 -19 / -38 °C | 17 -33 / -37 °C | 18 -28 / -34 °C |
19 -19 / -32 °C | 20 -14 / -32 °C | 21 -15 / -20 °C | 22 -16 / -23 °C | 23 -22 / -25 °C | 24 | 25 |