Flag for Sudan

Sunrise and Sunset in Sudan

Moon: 80.3%
Waxing Gibbous
Country: Sudan
Long Name: Republic of the Sudan
Abbreviations: SD, SDN
Capital: Khartoum
Time Zones: 1
Dial Code: +249

↑ Sunrise and ↓ Sunset in Sudan (6 Locations)

Al-Fashir↑ 6時44分↓ 18時07分Kassala↑ 6時03分↓ 17時19分Kosti↑ 6時14分↓ 17時38分
Al-Ubayyid↑ 6時24分↓ 17時48分Khartoum↑ 6時19分↓ 17時34分Port Sudan↑ 6時07分↓ 17時09分