Pentecost, or Whit Sunday, is a public holiday in Norway. This Christian holiday commemorates the belief that the Holy Ghost descended upon the disciples of Jesus Christ.
Is Whit Sunday a Public Holiday?
Whit Sunday is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are closed.
In 2025, it falls on a 日曜日, and some businesses may choose to follow 日曜日 opening hours.
Whit Sunday is on the 50th day after Easter Sunday, and it marks the birth of the Christian church.
Shops Are Mainly Closed
As Whit Sunday is always on a Sunday, opening hours are already restricted and there is little difference from any other Sunday. Schools, businesses, and shops in Norway are closed on Pentecost, except for certain small convenience stores and garden centers.
The day after, Whit Monday is also a public holiday, and the Pentecost weekend is a long weekend in late spring or early summer. It is popular for Norwegians to travel or spend the weekend outdoors or in the garden. However, using motorized lawn mowers or power tools is prohibited.
The day before is Whit Saturday, and even though that is not a public holiday, there are some restrictions on opening hours.
Norwegian TV and radio stations do not air commercials on Whit Sunday. Instead, they air info slots from to NGOs and non-profit volunteer organizations etc.
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